Friday, October 5, 2012

Baubles, Bangles and Beads, Oh My!

I've been thinking filing a post about baubles, bangles and beads as part of contemporary design for a while now. So when I walked into a customer's home this past week to help her complete her newly redecorated space, I found myself truly inspired!

This chandelier has such a sense of fun - the ornate, very traditional crystals combined with the contemporary rustic orb - I love it!

Which is my point - you don't need to be Queen Victoria to add a touch of elegance to your decor - it doesn't need to be much - just some trim on a pillow or a lampshade or the bottom of a cornice is all you need to bring some bling to your space! Women accessorize their clothing by adding earrings, necklaces, rings and bracelets. They do so much to complete and complement the look. They boost self-esteem because you just know you look great! Think of your decor in the same way. Without the right accessories, the room feels incomplete. Plants, artwork and tablescapes are just the beginning. Take it to another level by layering trim onto your windows.

This is part of the Beaded Accents Collection available through Eddie Z's. Options galore to add a bit of sparkle to your window, pillows or bedding and give it that truly custom look. The cost to add these little extras is not prohibitive and will give your window or the entire room that WOW that catches every guest's eye and the finishing touch that makes you feel fabulous!

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