Thursday, April 5, 2012

Your Room Portfolio

Whenever I design a fabric window treatment for a customer, I try to remember to have a memo sample sent to them. This benefits the customer in a few ways. First of all, this will help them to remember what fabric we chose. After only seeing a fabric for an hour or so, one can quickly forget just how fabulous that pattern was in the room! It adds to the anticipation of the new look we have designed and helps to jog their memory, so they can further plan the room.
Memos are a terrific way to keep a record of your room. Whether you are out shopping for accessories or looking for a new sofa, collecting samples of the pieces of the room in a room portfolio makes for easy shopping. You can use a simple manila folder or upgrade to an accordian folder (four sides, nothing falls out!) to separate by room. Put as many swatches from the room as you can collect - drapery, sofa, chairs, carpet, paint chips and/or wallcovering. If you've got arm covers for a chair or sofa, this is the perfect use for them! Keeping them on the arm causes the fabric to fade unevenly, plus they look awful! Keep them under a cushion or put them in your room portfolio. Use photos for the things you don't have swatches, it's so easy now with camera phones.
I am a great believer in working in the room you are decorating. But that is not always possible when you are buying accessories or upholstered pieces. Taking those few extra steps will save you time and mistakes in the long run.  You may want to take the accordian folder a step further and keep the invoices and care and cleaning guides in there as well. Don't forget a photo of the finished room!
Voila! Everything organized in one spot!

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